The three-dimensional tile placement game Builders of Sylvan Dale has recently released. In the game, two to four players may design a woodland realm high in the trees, constructing dwellings, bridges, and hanging courtyards. Learn more about the creation of Builders of Sylvan Dale in this article by the game designer Peter Ridgeway. Builders of Sylvan Dale: an unique three-dimensional tile placement game. “When you sit …
Altay – Dawn of Civilization, a deck-building civilization game set in a mythic age where players lead an ancient society to navigate the challenges brought by human settlers, will be soon in stores. Learn more about the creation and development of the game in this diary written by Roberto Di Meglio, director of production and lead developer at Ares Games, and originally published by Game Trade …
Viking Route uses a compass-and-magnets mechanic that was first implemented in “The Faceless”, a game published in 2018 and designed by Martino Chiacchiera and Guido Albini. The game designer Luca Maragno joined the team to create a new game with this mechanic, with a new setting perfect for exploring the magnetism in the gameplay. He tells us how Viking Route was created in this Designer Diary. …
In Viking Route, heroes sail their Longship through legendary worlds, guided by Odin’s ravens and the winds of Fate, and facing powerful Norse creatures. The game can be played in two different modes: Ragnarök: a free play mode where each game is stand-alone, and unique rules combinations generate different Scenarios. Campaign: a series of connected games in different Scenarios (using different game boards), each in a …
In Viking Route, a cooperative game for 1 to 4 players, a group of heroes sail a magical Drakkar to the World’s Edge and beyond. Helga Huntild, Queen of the Sigrid clan. Who are these heroes? Helga Huntild Born with an aptitude for leadership, since she was a little girl she has always been determined, stern, stoic. Now that she is the Queen of the Sigrid …
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