This file includes the War of the Ring Second Edition Player Aid (Game Turn, Resolving a Battle, Activating Free Peoples Nations, Advancing a Political Position); the Action Dice Reference Chart; and a two-page Glossary of the essential game terms. Updated 04/11/2017.
The Breaking of the Fellowship is an alternate setup for War of the Ring, playable either with the Second Edition or with the First Edition (expanded by Battles of the Third Age). The Fellowship already traveled from Rivendell to Rauros, and it’s now scattered, while the armies of the Shadow are in motion, ready to unleash their might against the strongholds of the Free Peoples…
See and download the Basic, Standard and Advanced rules to play WW2 Wings of Glory game. This file also includes optional rules and a variety of different scenarios.
Ares Games, the game publisher of the Wings of Glory series of aerial combat games, created by Andrea Angiolino and Pier Giorgio Paglia, announces a new game based upon that popular game system, with a completely new setting. The game, to be called Sails of Glory, will recreate naval warfare in the Age of Sail (1650-1815). The Wings of Glory game system will be modified and …
After announcing the launch of the Wings of Glory WW2 game (created by A. Angiolino and P. Paglia) with 4 Airplane Packs and a Starter Set, Ares Games announces its first releases for the WW1 version of the game. The first WW1 products – to be released worldwide in January 2012 – are two extra-large models, the WW1 bombers Caproni CA.3 and Gotha G.V. At the …
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