This file includes the complete rulebook of Sword & Sorcery – Ancient Chronicles, the core set of the new campaign of the epic-fantasy cooperative board game.
Download the English rulebook of FIEF France, a game of bluffing and deceit where players become leaders of guilds operating in a trade and cultural center in the Middle Ages, published by Asyncron. FIEF France (English Rulebook)
This PDF file presents the errata for the Cathedral district tile of Masters of the Night. It can be printed to fix the tile included in the game, which has a typo – “and” should be replaced with “than”.
See and download the complete rules of the tactical game of magical battles Black Rose Wars, set in the alternative Italian Renaissance world of Nova Aetas. Black Rose Wars is a game designed by Ludus Magnus Studio, and its English edition is published and distributed by Ares Games.
Ancient Chronicles, the new campaign for Sword & Sorcery game, is arriving soon! Following the overview of what’s coming and the article presenting the new Heroes of the Ancient Chronicles Core Set, it’s time to introduce the 12 Enemies – the monsters Tyrant Lizard, Elder Spider, Giant Spider, Serpent, and Minotaur; the humanoids Black Dwarf, Elf Assassin, Elf Witch, Elf Priestess, and Hobgremlin; and the demons …
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