Mega Empires: lead and develop your civilization through 8000 years of history. Ares Games will be at PAX Unplugged (December 6-8, Philadephia, PA) releasing the civ-building games Mega Empires: The West and Mega Empires: The East and presenting the deck-building civilization game Altay – Dawn of Civilization and the three-dimensional tile placement game Builders of Sylvan Dale at booth 3251. These two games will arrive in …
In Viking Route, a cooperative game for 1 to 4 players, a group of heroes sail a magical Drakkar to the World’s Edge and beyond. Helga Huntild, Queen of the Sigrid clan. Who are these heroes? Helga Huntild Born with an aptitude for leadership, since she was a little girl she has always been determined, stern, stoic. Now that she is the Queen of the Sigrid …
In Viking Route, a cooperative game for 1 to 4 players, a group of heroes sail a magical Drakkar to the World’s Edge and beyond. Influenced by magical Ravens, sent by Odin to steer your course, and by the winds of Fate, the heroes will face powerful and monstrous creatures out of the Norse Mythos. Designed by Martino Chiacchiera, Luca Maragno, and Guido Albini, and illustrated …
Fire and Swords, second expansion for War of the Ring – The Card Game. Fire and Swords, the second expansion of War of the Ring – The Card Game is now available. This new expansion introduces epic battles in northern Middle-earth, adds new factions to the game, and introduces amazing 6-player experiences. In this article, originally published by Game Trade Magazine (issue 290, April 2024), we …
Beyond the Horizon, the second expansion for the post-apocalyptic game Waste Knights Second Edition, is now in stores. In this article, originally published by Game Trade Magazine, Issue 295 (September 2024), the game designer Marek Mydel, co-author of Waste Knights, lead developer, and translator at Galakta Games, presents what’s new in this expansion. Beyond the Horizon: new expansion for Waste Knights Second Edition. Waste Knights: Second …
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