Choose your side, elaborate a smart strategy, and challenge the current leadership of Iran, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Russia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, or the USA: a grand strategic level card-driven wargame, FITNA – Global War in the Middle East, allows to play all recent and current conflicts in the Middle East area, as well as potential conflicts which could occur there in the foreseeable future. FITNA: a …
The War of the Ring game line is going to be expanded with a new game: War of the Ring – the Card Game, a multiplayer game developed by Ian Brody – the creator of the Quartermaster General series. Based on “The Lord of the Rings”, War of the Ring – The Card Game has been developed to give to players the same emotions of the …
In the BGG’s thread AMA – ASK ME ANYTHING about the War of the Ring: The Card Game, Roberto Di Meglio answered a lot of questions about the upcoming War of the Ring: The Card Game (WOTRCG from now on). We compiled the most frequently asked questions, and their answer, in this post. THe AMA thread remains open for new questions, and whenever necessary, the answers …
The Sword & Sorcery Line section is updated with information and images of three Special Hero Packs coming this fall: Genryu/Shakiko (White/Black Monk) Hero Pack, Sigrid/Sigurd (Thane/Skald) Hero Pack, and Ancient Chronicles Alternate Hero and Ghost Souls Set. These new expansions for Sword & Sorcery are due to release in October 2022. Genryu/Shakiko Special Hero Pack: heroes can be played as either White or Black Monks. …
Ares Games is back home from UK Games Expo 2022. Three exciting and busy days, with an amazing crew which introduced our games to hundreds of new players and great memories of meeting our British fans. The newly released The Thing: The Board Game was a huge hit at the show, sold out by Saturday morning and awarded as “Best Strategy Board Game” by the jury …
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