Download the English rulebook of We are coming, Nineveh!, a two-player intense tactical game reproducing the liberation of west Mosul by Iraqi security forces in 2017, published by Nuts! Publishing. We are coming, Nineveh! (English rulebook) (3271 downloads )
Download the English rulebook of Saigon 75, a fast-paced strategy game pitting the “Communist” forces from North Vietnam and the Viet Cong against the “Liberal” forces from South Vietnam. Saigon 75 (English Rulebook) (2594 downloads )
War of the Ring – The Card Game is a multi-player game inspired by “The Lord of the Rings” book trilogy, developed to give to players similar emotions of the acclaimed War of the Ring board game, while being more portable, faster to play, and easier to access. In War of the Ring – The Card Game, 2 to 4 players compete on two teams, the …
The Italian gaming group Mad Elite Wargamers, in collaboration with WASP La Spezia, will hold a WW2 Wings of Glory event in Carrara (Northern Tuscany, Italy) on January 15th to play a Pacific 1943’s campaign, with the presence of Andrea Angiolino, co-author of the game. The campaign includes four scenarios, using advanced rules combined with some house rules and over 50 airplanes – miniatures to play …
Feared throughout the Brazilian northeast, they fight for honor and freedom: the “cangaceiros” were bandits who stand against the abuses of large landowners called Coronéis and the government, in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Now, they come to the tabletop in a strategic competitive game. Designed by Roberto Pestrin and created by Ergo Ludo Editions, Cangaceiros has its English edition published and distributed by Ares …
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