The Wings of Glory WW2 Contest on BoardGameGeek ended on Sunday, April 22th, with the participation of 3,999 BGG members! Here the list of the 10 winners (BGG username and country) who will receive a copy of the WW2 Starter Set. jrv666 (Spain) nkerensky (Spain) rogue148 (United States) strategymasterjones (United States) pgoody (United States) GiannisS (Greece) DjAng (Philippines) Jocel1 (France) vidbot (United States) RichardHMarshall (United States) …
The aerial battles of Wings of Glory are going to fly new skies. Big Daddy’s Creations, a Polish company that creates high quality iPhone and iPad apps, signed an agreement with Ares Games to develop the iOS version of Wings of Glory WW2 game for these devices, and is already working on the project. The game is scheduled to be released by the end of this …
Players wanting to get a copy of Wings of Glory WW2 Starter Set now have the chance to win it for free on BoardGameGeek, in a contest that will give 10 copies of the game as prize. Until April 22th, BGG members can take part to the contest by answering six questions about the game. To take part to the contest, click here.
The British single-seat biplane Airco DH.2 closes this series of preview articles about the first Wings of Glory WW1 Airplane Packs, to be released in June. The first three articles presented the Fokker E.III Eindecker, the Morane Saulnier Type N and the Halberstadt D.III. The Airco DH.2 was the first effectively armed British single-seat fighter and enabled Royal Flying Corps (RFC) pilots to counter the “Fokker …
What about adding historical Ace pilots to your Wings of Glory WW1 games? This will be possible with the Ace Cards Promo Pack with 24 cards which will be available from the BoardGameGeek Store. WW1 Wings of Glory rules now include “Ace skills” and how to use them. A pilot (or other crew member) may now be an Ace, and each Ace may have one or …
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