From May 3rd to 5th, the city of Ferrara (Northern Italy) will host the games convention “Si Gioca”. Among the several activities scheduled, the event will hold the first playable preview of the upcoming game Sails of Glory and the attempt to set the record of “World Largest Wings of Glory” game, as well a WW1 Wings of Glory tournament. One of the authors of both …
The German “Society of Historical Conflict Simulations” (GHS) is hosting their yearly gaming event “HexaCon”, in Braunfels (about 60 km north of Frankfurt), from May 6th to 12th. Apart from many wargames being played, it has become a tradition at “HexaCon” to host a multiplayer event for Wings of Glory on Friday. This year, the session “Aces High” will be held on May 10th, early afternoon. …
In our previous article, we presented the Fiat CR.42 Falco aircraft. Now let’s learn something more about the pilots of the three versions included in the WW2 Wings of Glory Airplane Packs: the Italians Luigi Gorrini and Vito Rinaldi (Regia Aeronautica), and the German Feldwebel Hors Gressler (Lutwaffe). Luigi Gorrini Born in July 1917 in Piacenza, Italy, Luigi Gorrini joined the Regia Aeronautica in 1937 and …
In one week, the Galaxy Defenders campaign on Kickstarter already got 600 backers and more than US$ 77,000 pledged, with three stretch goals unlocked. The funding goal of US$ 40,000 was achieved on the first day, only 8 hours after the launch. Now, the first gameplay video is available, providing a detailed overview of Galaxy Defenders’ gameflow. The video describes two complete game rounds. Three agents …
The Sails of Glory campaign on Kickstarter ended yesterday with the wind filling the sails: it reached US$ 276,745 pledged – equal to 922% of the funding goal – and 1183 backers. The final $275K stretch goal was reached just a few minutes short of the bell sounding on the end of the project. Ares Games is now working on the survey and in the coming …
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