People attending the UK Games Expo, the UK’s largest Hobby Game Convention, from Friday 24th to Sunday 26th May 2013, will have the chance of trying Sails of Glory. Following the announcement of the partnership for the production of the Wotan Games’ first new title in 20 years – Camelot The Build . Ares Games joined forces with this British company to show their games at …
The Galaxy Defenders campaign on Kickstarter ended yesterday reaching US$ 180,252 pledged (equal to 450% of the funding goal), 1080 backers and 34 stretch goals achieved – the last one, $180K pledged, was hit in the very final rush! Ares Games will now work on the survey and the backers will be contacted soon to verify their choice of rewards and options, address and contact info. …
The Northwest Historical Miniature Gaming Society (NHMGS) will host its annual convention, Enfilade 2013, from Friday 24th to Sunday 26th May, at the Red Lion Inn Olympia (Olympia, WA, USA). During the convention, the upcoming game Sails of Glory will have its first playable presentation in the United States. Three sessions and a tournament of WW1 Wings of Glory are also scheduled. The Sails of Glory …
The Galaxy Defenders campaign on Kickstarter has an important update for backers in the European Union. Ares Games has found a good fulfillment solution for shipping from inside the EU (Germany), which will have a positive effect for any backer living in a EU country, or asking for shipment to an EU address. Backers living in the EU who have a normal (non-Worldwide) pledge don’t need …
Two new international editions of War of the Ring Second Edition will be available in late June, together with the upcoming reprint of the English version – bringing to 8 the number of different languages the game is published in – and with the reprint of the War of the Ring Second Edition Upgrade Kit (English). The Chinese edition of War of the Ring. The Portuguese …
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