This is the last article of the Galaxy Defenders Preview series, and describes the game’s Rank-Up System for agents; it also includes examples on how to “customize” each agent by creating some class templates to maximize operative efficiency on the battlefield. “That which does not kill us makes us stronger”… and GD Agents must become stronger than steel to beat the Alien challenge! In game terms, …
This file includes 10 scenarios for Sails of Glory to play using the ships from Series I.
This download presents the Captain & Crew Ability rules (including a summary of the abilities featured on the cards) for Sails of Glory game.
A new game will come soon in the War of the Ring line. “The Battle of Five Armies”, announced last year, is a stand alone, self-contained game, that recreates the epic conclusion of The Hobbit, the world-renowned masterpiece by J.R.R. Tolkien. Battle of Five Armies is scheduled to release next Spring, and it’s time to know more about the game. In this article, we present the …
Sails of Glory went in distribution early this month. However, sales outperformed Ares’ best expectations – the Starter Set is already sold out at the Ares Games warehouse. A reprint will be available this Spring. Most of the other expansions and accessories in the range (Ship Packs, Game Mats, Terrain Packs) are also sold out or very close to running out of stock, and they will …
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