After a careful evaluation, we are finally ready to announce the winners of the Sails of Glory Scenario Design contest. In one month (from April 10th to May 10th), 26 players submitted 35 valid entries to the contest – 19 Historical scenarios and 16 Fictional. The winner in the Fictional category is the scenario “Plundering the Town”, by José Manuel Moreno Ramos. In the Historical category, …
The WW1 Special Packs featuring the bombers Gotha G.V and Caproni Ca.3 are now shipping to distributors from Ares Games warehouse and start to hit the shelves in North America on June 20th. In Europe and other regions, the new items are expected to be in stores in the coming weeks. The Gotha G.V Aschoff and Von Korff are reprints of the versions already featured in …
The Galaxy Defenders – The Earth Strikes Back! ended with $ 259,166 pledged – 647% funded – and 1264 backers. In 21 days, 28 stretch goals were unlocked. The stretch goals up to $ 300,000 (not achieved by the end of the campaign) were also unlocked by Ares Games and Gremlim Project as a “Thank you” to the game supporters. The campaign had a great start, …
The Galaxy Defenders – The Earth Strikes Back! contest on ended yesterday with 3,274 entrants. The five winners will receive a copy of the Earth-level rewards of the Kickstarter campaign (“Operation Strikeback” and “Extinction Protocol” expansions, plus two KS-exclusive figures, plus Earth-level stretch goals). In addition, they will also receive their choice of either one copy of the Core Set and Elite Alien Army Expansion, …
GD Lab: new pledge level in the final rush. In its final hours, Galaxy Defenders Season 2 campaign on Kickstarter, “The Earth Strikes Back!”, open a new “door” into the project – The GD Lab level. This new pledge level gives to a backer only the three exclusive KS figures – Tritium, Niobium and Xeno-Lord, at $ 35.00, with shipping worldwide for these three figures included. …
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