“Adventures in Hyboria” is the upcoming expansion for the Age of Conan Strategy Board Game, designed by Roberto Di Meglio, Marco Maggi, and Francesco Nepitello. In this article, the third of the Designers’ Notes series, they explain how the Stretch Goals of the Kickstarter campaign were defined to further improve the expansion’s gameplay. When Ares decided to launch Adventures in Hyboria using Kickstarter, we knew that …
The Age of Conan Strategy Board Game – It’s Back! campaign on Kickstarter to publish the “Adventures in Hyboria” expansion is in its final rush. Three days before its end, the project counts more than 1,500 backers and over $ 78,000 pledged, with seven Stretch Goals unlocked. The initial funding goal – $ 10,000 – was reached after only 75 minutes from the launch, and the …
The Age of Conan Strategy Board Game – It’s Back! contest on Boardgamegeek.com, from October 27th to November 2nd ended with 3,757 entrants. The six winners will receive a copy of Age of Conan Strategy Board Game. Here’s the list of the winners in the BGG contest: Ian Gill / Posco (United Kingdom) Andrew Cook / andrewvcook (United States) Loren Jack / MystElden (United States) Brian …
“Adventures in Hyboria” is the upcoming expansion for the Age of Conan Strategy Board Game, designed by Roberto Di Meglio, Marco Maggi, and Francesco Nepitello. This is the second Designers’ Notes article about the expansion. In the previous article we have told you about the radical changes to the Adventure cards that govern the role of the barbarian in the game – but we only hinted …
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