Ares Games is proud to present the winning scenarios of the first Sails of Glory Scenarios Contest. The contest was held in the first half of this year, and the winners announced on June 24th. The four scenarios presented in this document are the winner in Fictional category, “Plundering the Town”, by José Manuel Moreno Ramos; the two winners in the Historical category, “Encounter On a …
The Restoration of Pazzi Chapel Loggia at Church of Santa Croce campaign on Kickstarter is in its final days, and a special testimonial joined the project, giving his endorsement: the actor, director and art historian Peter Weller. In a video, he explains the importance of the loggia of the Pazzi Chapel and its decorations. Dr. Peter Frederick Weller (born June 24, 1947) has appeared in more …
The WW1 Wings of Glory section is updated with information and galleries of the WW1 Airplane Packs featuring the Fokker E.V, Nieuport Ni.28, Macchi M.5 and Hannover CL.IIIa. To see these new aircrafts, check the WW1 Wings of Glory Airplane Packs page.
HMS Victory USS Constitution Six new ships are coming on Sails of Glory line: the awaited Special Ship Packs of the iconic HMS Victory and USS Constitution and four new Ship Packs featuring new versions of the first wave of ships, among them the two first Spanish vessels in the game. The website is updated with information and images of these upcoming ships, which are expected …
Ares Games is supporting the Kickstarter project to restore the Pazzi Chapel in the Church of Santa Croce, one of the most beautiful landmarks in Florence, Italy. To help the project, we decided to auction some of our games – The Battle of Five Armies, Galaxy Defenders, Sails of Glory, War of the Ring 2nd Edition, Inkognito and Dino Race. A piece of the grey sandstone …
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