The Wings of Glory Miniature Game – Giants of the Sky project on Kickstarter continues its flight and as we write, it has collected over $70,000 in pledges. The fourth streth goal is in sight: at $80,000 to unlock the WW1 version of the Wings of Glory Toolkit app for Android and IOS. A new goal was also announced: at $95,000, each bomber model will include …
The Wings of Glory Miniature Game – Giants of the Sky project on Kickstarter continues to fly high. Funded after a few hours, the campaign is now in its third day. The project has over $55,000 pledged and more than 350 backers. The second stretch goal was achieved in the second day, unlocking a deluxe, thick cardboard management card to be included in the Kickstarter edition …
The Wings of Glory Miniature Game – Giants of the Sky project on Kickstarter took off on March 10th, at 2pm (UTC) and climbed high: the initial funding goal of $20,000 was achieved in less than three hours, and nine hours after the launch the project reached 230 backers and $35,000 pledged, unlocking the first stretch goal. The crowdfunding campaign to release and add to the …
The Wings of Glory Miniature Game – Giants of the Sky project on Kickstarter launches today. The goal is to release and add to the game two colossal WW1 bombers, the Handley-Page O/400 and Zeppelin Staaken R.VI. The campaign will run until April 2nd, with an initial funding goal of $20,000. The video trailer of the Kickstarter project can be seen below. Wings of Glory is …
The countdown for Wings of Glory Miniature Game – Giants of the Sky, the new Kickstarter project from Ares Games, has started: in one week, on March 10th, Ares Games will launch the crowdfunding campaign to release the large WW1 bombers Handley-Page O/400 and Zeppelin Staaken R.VI. The campaign will run until April 2nd, with an initial funding goal of $20,000. Handley-Page O/400 with a Fokker …