A new section is now online on Ares Games e-commerce website, until now used as Pre-order System and Pledge Manager for our Kickstarter campaigns. In the Other Items section, remainders of closed KS campaigns and items low in stock, not normally available in stores, are available for direct sale in limited quantities. Other Items section offers KS remainders and products low in stock. In every KS …
The last article about our most recent WW2 Airplane Packs series presents the Yokosuka D4Y Suisei, probably the least familiar to many people. If the subject of “Japanese Dive Bomber” is mentioned, many people quickly think “Val” – the Aichi D-3, famous for its fixed landing gear (sort of the Japanese Stuka) and its impact in the early years of the war. Ask someone about the …
Get the free 5-minutes downloadable soundtrack to be used while playing Dungeon Time, to run on your preferred mobile device instead of using the sandtimer. Play Soundtrack http://www.aresgames.eu/wp/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Dungeon-Time-Soundtrack_5min.mp3 Download Soundtrack Dungeon Time: 5 Minute Soundtrack (4510 downloads )
Ares Games is happy to announce that the shipment of Dungeon Time Kickstarter Edition has started. The backers in Asia-Pacific zone, served through a Hong Kong warehouse, will be the first to get their copies. Next week, the shipments from the warehouses in Europe and USA will be sent out, and following, the ones from the Australia/New Zeland and Canada warehouses. Dungeon Time is a real …
War of The Ring Anniversary Release packaging: well protected, with a polybag, polystirene corners, inside a strong outer carton. With the Chinese New Year oncoming, many players waiting their copy of the Anniversary Release of our War of the Ring Second Edition game are worried about the shipment of this limited edition item. Our Production Manager, Roberto Di Meglio, visited the factory last week to oversee …
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