These files present the rules and cards of the racing and betting game Divinity Derby in German.
These files present the rules and cards of the racing and betting game Divinity Derby in French.
These files present the rules and cards of the racing and betting game Divinity Derby in Italian.
“War of the Worlds” meets World War 1 in a new “weird war” setting for Wings of Glory: Tripods & Triplanes, designed by Andrea Angiolino (Wings of Glory/Sails of Glory), Francesco Nepitello and Marco Maggi (War of the Ring, Age of Conan Strategy Board Game). Tripods & Triplanes will bring the Martian invasion described by H.G. Wells in his novel ‘The War of the Worlds’ to …
The eagerly anticipated new game in the War of the Ring line, Hunt for the Ring, will be released simultaneously in English and Italian. The English edition, published and distributed by Ares Games, will debut at Spiel 2017 (from October, 26th to 29th in Essen, Germany), while the Italian edition will launch at Lucca Comics & Games 2017 (from November 1st to 5th, Lucca, Italy), co-published …
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