Wanted: Rich or Dead: a fast-paced game set in the Wild West. Wanted: Rich or Dead, a fast-paced and addictive game published by Galakta and distributed by Ares Games in North America, is due to release in early 2018. In October, the author of the game, Dariusz Kułak, posted its Design Diary on BoardGameGeek, and we are now sharing it here: “Hello! My name is Dariusz …
The Kickstarter project to fund the release of Wings of Glory – Tripods & Triplanes, reached its initial goal of $30,000 in 29 hours and now flies toward its first stretch goal: $40,000 to unlock a gaming mat. Other two goals were revealed as the funding goal was achieved. The campaign will run until December 20th, and as we write, the project reached over $36,000 pledged …
Ares Games launches today, at 03:00 PM EST (01:00 PM UTC/GMT), a new Kickstarter project to fund the release of Wings of Glory – Tripods & Triplanes, a new “weird war” setting for Wings of Glory, the best-selling aerial combat tabletop game, with an initial goal of $30,000. The campaign will run until December 20th. Wings of Glory is an airplane miniature game that recreates aerial …
The Galaxy Defenders Rulebook and Storybook have been updated with the new 1.5 Optional rules. The new enhancements will make the game experience faster and more dynamic, and with the possibility to turn off the Player Elimination System. The revised chapters in these updates files are the following: Rulebook Galaxy Defenders (English Rulebook v.1.5) (11033 downloads ) Page 12, 6.2.1 Page 12, 6.2.2 Page 16 Page …
The countdown for Tripods & Triplanes has started: the Kickstarter project to fund the new “weird war” setting for Wing of Glory will launch one week from today, on November 28th, at 03:00 PM CET (02:00 PM UTC/GMT). The campaign will run until December 21st, 10:00 PM CET (9:00 PM UTC/GMT). The new stand-alone game, fully compatible with WW1 Wings of Glory, will merge the Martian …
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