Our previous article about Hannibal & Hamilcar: Rome vs Cartage covered the development of “Hamilcar”. Today, it’s time for another exciting topic, especially for military enthusiasts – the Roman army of the Hannibal era. For this matter, PHALANX team called upon the expert help of Dariusz Góralski, a game designer and veteran wargamer, as well as other sources. Hannibal & Hamilcar: Roman soldiers in march presented …
Almost 50 Ares Games events are scheduled to take place at the next edition of the Origins show, next June (June 13-17, in Columbus, OH). In addition to the record-breaker events of Wings of Glory WW1 and WW2 and Sails of Glory, many other events are scheduled for these three games, and also for Galaxy Defenders and Sword & Sorcery, at Origins Game Fair 2018. Thanks …
Special call for Wings of Glory and Sails of Glory players attending Origins Game Fair 2018 (June 13-17, Columbus, OH): they are invited to take part to the record-breaker attempts for the most players in the same game. The Wings of Glory events will be held on Friday, June 15th, at 9am (WW1) and 11am (WW2); the Sails of Glory event will be held on Saturday …
As announced in March 2018, the English edition of the games published by Pendragon Game Studio are going to be distributed by Ares Games in North America and other parts of the world, excluding Europe. The first games coming in June 2018 will be Hexemonia and Waterloo: Enemy Mistakes, which are presented in a new section dedicated to the Pendragon Games line. In Hexemonia, players lead …
Ares Games will publish and distribute worldwide a starship combat miniature game based on the Battlestar Galactica™ TV series, including both the “Classical” and “Reimagined” settings. Battlestar Galactica – Starship Battles:playtesting an early prototype. Created by the same designers of the popular “Wings of Glory” and “Sails of Glory” game systems (Andrea Angiolino and Andrea Mainini), the Battlestar Galactica – Starship Battles game will be first …
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