Ares Games and Ludus Magnus Studio announce a partnership to bring Ludus Magnus’ games, in English edition, to hobby stores worldwide, starting with the magical combat game Black Rose Wars, successfully funded with a campaign on Kickstarter that raised $1,311,558 in pledges, supported by 8,364 backers. Ares will publish and distribute the retail edition of the game, different in content from the version received by Kickstarter …
The Euro-style board game Brides & Bribes, published by Spaceballoon Games and distributed by Ares in the United States and non-European countries, will release to the best hobby game stores in US on April, 12th. Brides & Bribes: worker placement and resource management board game. Brides & Bribes is a worker placement and resource management board game for 2 to 5 players, set in Genoa during …
The PDF file of the WW2 Wings of Glory Point System, which allows players to create balanced dogfight scenarios, to replace equivalent planes in other scenarios, and to organize tournaments, is now updated and more comprehensive. To see and download the version 1.2, click here.
The Battlestar Galactica and the rest of the Colonial fleet are relentlessly pursued by Cylons. Thirty-three minutes after each Faster-than-light jump, the Cylons arrive again, trying to exterminate what’s left of Mankind. Will you be able to bring the Colonial fleet to safety? Battlestar Galactica Starship Battles – Vipers and Raiders will fight to protect or destroy the Colonial Fleet. Inspired by “33” – the first …
Final production samples of Tripods & Triplanes Starter Set – Kickstarter (yellow box) and retail editions, card holders (included only in KS version) and the four Tripod Packs. Wings of Glory – Tripods & Triplanes, the new stand-alone game that brings the Martian invasion – described by H.G. Wells in his novel ‘The War of the Worlds’ – to the Wings of Glory game, is finally …
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