The German "Society of Historical Conflict Simulations" (GHS) is hosting its yearly gaming event HexaCon in Braunfels (about 60 km north of Frankfurt) this week (May 14th-20th). It has become a tradition to host a multiplayer event for Wings of Glory on Friday, in the early afternoon.
What started with slightly above 10 players has now become a whirling mass combat of more than 20 players engaged on various missions at the same time. With the help of some house rules, the gaming experience has been further enriched by secret mission planning and character quirks for the pilots.
For more information on the event, you can visit the homepage of the GHS (in German). To pre-register for the Wings of Glory session "Flight of the Big Birds" on Friday, May 18th, contact Martin Schwalbach (FlyingCircus2012 [at], who will be hosting the event. The Wings of Glory Special Packs just released will be there!
Stay tuned for an after-action-report on our website.