Ares Games will be at BGG.CON 2024 (November 13-17th, Dallas), demoing new and upcoming games at the booth 403 and supporting a special event on November 15th: a Mega Empires (formerly Mega Civilization) game for up to 18 players, to run all day, with the new giant neoprene game mats and special buildings.
Originally published as a colossal 18-player game (Mega Civilization), Mega Empires is a new edition created by Colossus Games and published by Ares Games that builds on that epic foundation, playable by 3 to 18 people, from shorter 3 hour scenarios to legendary day-long sessions. Mega Empires: The West and Mega Empires: The East are two “colossal” board games covering the development of ancient civilizations over 8,000 years of history. Players lead their civilizations by trade, conflict, and cultural advancement, as they expand from the Stone Age, through the Bronze Age to the end of the Iron Age.
The Mega Empires/Mega Civilization event at BGG.CON will start at 9:00 am and could even last past midnight. Registration is free and beginners are welcome - no prior experience is needed. For more information and to register, click here.
At the booth, Ares will be demoing the just-released Diluvium, by Nuts! Publishing, and the upcoming games Altay - Dawn of Civilization, Builders of Sylvan Dale, and Aeterna. Attendees will also be able to play “giant” games (7’ x 4’ table with 4” pieces) – Quartermaster General WW2 with expansions, Quartermaster General: 1914, and Quartermaster General: East Front.