The first group of War of the Ring - The Card Game translations is reaching many countries of the world this Spring: the Japanese and Korean editions are now available, the Polish edition is coming this month, and the Czech, French, Italian, and Ukrainian will release in May, followed by the Spanish edition in early June. Additional languages are releasing later this year.
War of the Ring – The Card Game, the latest addition to the War of the Ring game line, is a multi-player game inspired by Tolkien’s trilogy, designed by Ian Brody. Each player controls one or more of the factions in War of the Ring, either on the side of the Free Peoples or of the Shadow Armies, using a unique deck, reproducing the strengths and weaknesses of the specific factions they play with. The English edition released in December 2022, and was sold out on pre-order. Early this year, the second printing went out of the stock too. The third printing has just arrived at Ares' warehouses.
The editions in other languages are published by the following publishers: Rexhry (Czech), Nuts! Publishing (French), Devir Italia (Italian), Galakta (Polish), Devir Iberia (Spanish), and Geekach Games (Ukrainian), and by Hobby Japan (Japanese) and MTS Games (Korean).