The Sails of Glory Rulebook has been updated with some few corrections and one addendum - see below. The new PDF file can be downloaded here.
Combat, Page 14 (Correction)
"All attacks are simultaneous and their effects are applied at the same time, no matter the type of attack."
Replaced with:
"After players have announced their attacks (in no specific order), all attacks are resolved simultaneously. Effects are applied at the same time, no matter the type of attack."
Struck Sails, Page 32 (Addendum)
>Added the text in red:
"When a ship has struck sails, maneuver cards are not planned anymore. Any maneuver card previously planned is executed using the backing sails movement line, then the ship stops where it is."
"The ship cannot use the increase sails action until it comes to a full stop."
"If, in a later turn, the ship uses the increase sails action, the sail status returns to backing sails."
Entanglement, Page 35 (Correction)
"Note: If multiple ships are in contact at the end of the movement phase, check for entanglement between each pair of ships separately."
Replaced with:
"Note: If multiple ships are in contact with each other, check for entanglement between each pair of ships separately."
Boarding in Advanced Rules, Page 39 (Correction)
" — Attempts to board and grapple opposing ships are done at the end of the Planning phase, after actions are revealed."
Replaced with:
" — Boarding and grappling attempts are determined at the end of the Action phase, after actions are revealed, and are influenced by the choice of actions (see below). The boarding attack is still resolved at the end of the Combat phase."
Boarding and Entanglement, Page 40 (Correction)
Replaced the whole paragraph:
"If the Entanglement optional rule (see page 35) is in use, first resolve the entanglement, then declare boardings. It is possible that two ships become both entangled (by coincidence) and grappled (by choice of at least one ship). In this case, the ships must become both disentangled and ungrappled before they can move again."
Combat and Actions, Page 49 (Correction)
"If the Continuous Fire rule is in use, they fire if a target is in sight and reload only if no target is in sight."
Replaced with:
"If the Continuous Fire rule is in use, they fire if a target is available and reload only if no target is available."
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