The English edition of the games published by the Polish company PHALANX Games are going to be distributed by Ares Games in North America and other parts of the world, excluding Europe. To present these games, our website is now updated with a new section dedicated to the PHALANX Games line.
The first games by Phalanx that Ares will bring to customers, in January 2018, will be Hannibal & Hamilcar: Rome vs. Cartage, Germania Magna and Hunger: The Show.
During two upcoming shows, BGG.con and Pax Unplugged, it will be possible to play and buy for the first time Germania Magna and Hunger: The Show. At BGG.con, our booth will host an exclusive premiere of Hannibal, with game designer Mark Simonitch attending.
Visit the PHALANX Games section for information and images of these upcoming games.
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