
A relentless struggle for dominance in ancient Greece

This product is now out of Ares Games' catalog. For availability information, visit Pendragon Game Studio website.

Lead a greek city-state to might and power!

In ancient Greece, mighty city-states compete in every way: religion, commerce, politics... even in war. Every city strives for supremacy in a relentless struggle for dominance,each fighting in the name of its own patron god.

YOU are the leader of a growing city–state. From humble beginnings you must grow your might and power. You must gather resources from your holdings — gold, citizens and Hoplite warriors — and use them to expand your city and curry favor with the gods. Then, use your military and cultural might to overcome your rivals!

Can your people — and your city’s patron god — claim their rightful place at the pinnacle of Greek civilization?

The English edition of Pendragon games is exclusively distributed in the United States and non–European countries by Ares Games.


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