This PDF file presents an alternative ship log to be printed for using with the East Indiamen Ex-Merchant Ships, with stats of an armed merchant ship (rather than an ex-merchant ship as represented by the ship log included in the Ship Pack), to play in different Sails of Glory scenarios . East Indiaman – Armed Merchant Ship (3762 downloads )
This file includes two historical scenarios to be played using the ships HMS Victory and USS Constitution, featured in the Sails of Glory Special Packs.
Card #2: wrong (left) and fixed(right). In the Sails of Glory Special Ship Pack HMS Victory, there’s a misprint on the #2 and #8 maneuver cards. The icons at the base of the cards are in reverse order: the Backing Sails symbol should be below the short maneuver arrow; the Full Sails symbol should be below the long maneuver arrow (see the wrong and the corrected …
This file presents a Point System which can be used to create balanced scenarios and in tournament play. It includes Series 1 to 4 of Ship Packs, Captain and Crew Skills, HMS Victory and USS Constitution Special Ship Packs.
Ares Games is proud to present the winning scenarios of the first Sails of Glory Scenarios Contest. The contest was held in the first half of this year, and the winners announced on June 24th. The four scenarios presented in this document are the winner in Fictional category, “Plundering the Town”, by José Manuel Moreno Ramos; the two winners in the Historical category, “Encounter On a …
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